quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2010

Making Simply Beautiful Photographs


Na­ti­onal Ge­o­graphic pho­to­graphers des­cribe the mo­ments behind the shots, and editor Annie Grif­fiths ex­plains the con­cept behind the new Na­ti­onal Ge­o­graphic book, Simply Be­au­tiful Pho­to­graphs. This video fe­a­tures sto­ries by David Dou­bilet, Jodi Cobb, Mi­chael Mel­ford, Sisse Brim­berg, and Jim Blair.

Ler mais: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=106672506#pm_cmp=vid_OEV_P_P#ixzz11gpgRnrW

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